🕶 Announcing: Imposter-Proof Leader


Ever thought, “damn, what have I got myself into”?

  • Do you feel like a fraud in your job?

  • Worry you’re not cut out to be a manager?

  • Feel like you don’t belong around upper management?

You’re not alone.

According to NerdWallet, 78% of business leaders struggle with imposter syndrome at some point in their careers.

I know this all too well. As someone who went from being a struggling backpack rapper to leading a team of 200 employees at a Fortune 100 company, I’ve had to overcome imposter syndrome at every step.

But in hindsight, I didn’t need to suffer through so many sleepless nights and panic attacks…

That’s why I’m excited to announce a brand new course I’m co-hosting with my friend Drew Williams, called Imposter-Proof Leader! It’ll help you go from self-doubt to self-assured in 4 days — guaranteed, or your money back.

The first session is on Tuesday, June 11th. Enroll by Saturday, June 1st to take advantage of our early-bird pricing.

- Jacob Espinoza

P.S. There are only 50 spots available. And this email is going out to 23,168+ leaders like you, so if you’re intrigued, don’t delay!

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